Ansoft Solutions

On Page SEO 2022 - A Complete Guide for Beginners

Know All About On Page SEO

When we talk about On Page SEO, 35% of people aren’t aware about On Page SEO even though they are working in the SEO field. We all know that when we talk about SEO then how it is possible that we don’t discuss On Page SEO. So, here you will learn about On Page SEO deeply from starting to end. Don’t skip any point from this article. If you read the full article, I’m sure you will have learned everything in On Page SEO.

What is On Page SEO

SEO is divided into two parts, one is On Page SEO and the other is Off Page SEO. In this article we’ll learn about On Page SEO. On Page SEO is the process to optimise the website and making it search engine and user-friendly to improve its ranking on search engines. In simple when we work on the website backend to optimise content, heading tags, images, title tags, descriptions and layout to get ranking in search engines(SERP). There are lots of things where we work in On Page SEO. On Page SEO is totally different from Off Page SEO.

on page seo

Difference Between On Page SEO and Off Page SEO

When we work inside the website to optimise the pages then it called On Page SEO, while when we work on third party websites, and make our links there then it is called backlinks and Off Page SEO. Both are totally different in working. Both have a unique value. Where On Page SEO make the website more Search engine and user-friendly, then Off-page SEO keep trying to get backlinks and traffic for websites to boost their page rank and domain authority.

Why On Page SEO is Necessary?

When it comes to website optimization, on page optimization is a must. There are a number of reasons why on-page optimization is so important: first and foremost, it helps you to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Second, on page seo can help you to target your audience more effectively, which can result in higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

When you optimize your website for the search engines, you’re also helping to create a positive online reputation. In addition, effective on page optimization can help to improve your website’s usability and accessibility. Finally, on page optimization can help to improve your website’s overall design

why on page seo important

How to Check On Page SEO for a Website

Before you start SEO and On Page SEO, you should know about your website on page SEO status. The most and useful way to check your website on page optimisation is website analyse

How to Analyse the Website?

There are two ways to analyse the website or website audit. Here you will learn about both ways. 

Make audit Report Manually

There are many ways to make a manual audit report. The most common way is to use Microsoft Word.

Use website homepage url and check following points for audit report

– Check Website domain age, DA, PA

– Website Page Load Speed

– HTML & CSS errors

– Check Content quality and uniqueness

– Heading Tags

– Image Alt Tags

– Keyword targeting in Content

– Internal Linking


– Meta Title and Description

– SEO Friendly URL

– XML Sitemap

– Robot.TXT

– Search Console

– Schema Markup

– Blog Post Page

– Social Media Icons

Check Through Tools

Check through tools can be incredibly helpful when verifying the accuracy of your data. These tools can help you identify and correct any inaccuracies in your data, which can help ensure that your data is reliable and accurate.

Free Website Audit & Analyse Toots           

On Page SEO Techniques

In order to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), you will need to employ some effective on page SEO techniques.

One of the most important things you can do to improve your ranking is to make sure your website’s title tags are well-optimized. Title tags are the text that appears at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) and are used to help people find the content they’re looking for.

To optimize your title tags, you should use keyword phrases and make sure each one is included in a relevant and descriptive way. You can also include your website’s name in your title tags

Mobile Friendly or Responsive Website

A Mobile Friendly Website design is important because it allows you to target a large number of people who use mobile devices to access the internet. A Mobile Friendly Website design can A Mobile Friendly Website design is a website design that is designed to be viewed and used on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. A Mobile Friendly Website design should be designed in a way that makes it easy to navigate and use on a mobile device. 

Test Your Website Design:

How can I create a Mobile Friendly Website design?

Creating a mobile-friendly website design is important if you want to attract a large audience who use mobile devices to access the internet. There are a few things you can do to make your website more mobile-friendly: Make your website easier to navigate. Make sure your website is easy to load and navigate on mobile devices. Try to use large images and make sure your text is easy to read. Make sure your website is easy to load and navigate on mobile devices. Try to use large images and make sure your text is easy to read. Use a responsive design. If your website design is not responsive, it may not look good on mobile devices.

responsive design

Page Load Speed:

A website’s page load speed is important for both users and website owners. In the age of digital natives and fast-paced lives, slow page load times can be frustrating and even frustratingly slow. For website owners, slow page load times can lead to lost sales and lost customers. For users, slow page load times can lead to a bad experience on your website.

A well-optimized website will load pages quickly. However, even a well-optimized website can experience slow page load times if the website’s pages are large and the website’s servers are not optimized for page load speed. There are several things website owners do.

Page Load Speed Test:

Content Optimisation

When it comes to optimizing content for search engines, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, make sure that your website’s title tags, metatags, and other headings are clear and concise. Use keywords throughout your content, and make sure that your images are also keyword-rich.

Secondly, make sure that your content is well-written and easy to read. Use an active voice, and focus on creating a narrative that’s easy to follow. Avoid using jargon, and make sure that your paragraphs are short and to the point. And finally, make sure that your website’s overall design is user

Check your content quality here:

How to write SEO-friendly content?

content optimisation

Keywords Targeting

  1. SEO is all about targeting the right keywords in the right places in your content so that you can rank higher on search engines. 
  2. When you target the right keywords, you’re providing your readers with the information they’re looking for. 
  3. There are a lot of different keyword tools out there, so it can be hard to decide which ones to use. 
  4. The most important thing is to stay focused on your target market and what keywords they might be interested in. 
  5. Once you’ve targeted your keywords, it’s important to clear your topic for all pages.

Meta Title & Description

Meta Titles and Descriptions are important parts of a website. They provide a brief overview of what the website is all about and help search engines identify and rank the website higher in their results.

A good meta title will be descriptive and keyword rich, while a good description will be concise and to the point. Both should be targeted toward potential website visitors and should be written in a way that is easy to read and understand.

Heading Tags

Heading tags are a powerful way to organize your blog posts and help readers find the information they are looking for.

When you create a new post, WordPress automatically assigns a category and a tag. You can also add your own tags by clicking the “Add a Tag” link on the post editor screen.

Selecting a tag is a great way to help readers find related content. For example, if you are writing about cooking, you might choose the tag “cooking” to organize your posts.

title descriptions

Image Optimisation & Alt Tags

One popular way to optimize images is to use alt tags. An alt tag is a tag that is used in lieu of a title attribute on an image tag. When an image is displayed, a browser will typically display the alt tag instead of the image itself.

By including an alt tag with your image, you can provide a more descriptive title for your image. This can help improve your SEO, as search engines will index and rank your images higher if they can determine what the image is about. Additionally, using alt tags can help improve the user experience when viewing your images.
Below listed image show, how Silo(internal linking) works and how you should use it.

Easy way to Create Internal Linking


XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a directory of all the pages on a website. It tells search engines where to find the website’s content.

When you create an XML sitemap, you must include the following information:

– Create all pages before creating an XML sitemap

– Set Priority of pages by default.

– Set update duration at per hour.

Use this tool to create sitemap:

Submit Website & Sitemap to Search Console

If you have a website, you’re likely aware of the importance of submitting it to search engines. However, submitting a website to search engines can be a time-consuming process. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to submit your website to search engines, submit your website to the search console of Google. Submit Website on SC takes the hassle out of submitting your website to search engines by providing a simple interface and automatic submission to the search engines. Simply enter your website’s URL and Submit Website will take care of the rest.

Add Website to Search Engine

If you want to index your website quickly on search engines like Google, then definitely you should add your website to the search console. Here you will get all information related to your website like

– Indexing Status

– Crawling Error

– Organic Performance

Also, later when you add a new page or post to your website, you can inspect the URL or send a request for indexing. This will send an alert to google crawlers to crawl the new page or post.

search console google

Add Schema Markup

Schema markup is a micro information of your website, page, post, video and products, that tells search engine highlighted information. Search Engines prefer schema markup, if you use this in your website, this may become an indirect ranking factor.

There are lot’s of Schema Type

– Article

– Breadcrumb


– Job Posting

– Local Business

– Organization

– Products

– Person

How to add schema markup in your website?

Google Announced New Structure Data | Pros and cons in Structure Data

11 Most Important On-Page SEO Factors that Work in 2022

How To Create Backlinks in 2022?

Add Social Channel

There’s no doubt that social media is a powerful tool for businesses. It can help build relationships with customers, connect with potential employees, and spread the word about your company.

Here are three social media channels that are especially useful for businesses:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Linkedin
  • Pinterest
social media


The conclusion of this essay is that, although there are many limitations to the study, it provides a useful starting point for future work on the topic of body image. Future research should focus on understanding how body image is affected by different cultural factors, as well as the individual’s own experiences and attitudes. Additionally, further exploration of the relationship between body image and eating disorders is warranted, as is a further exploration of the role that social media plays in shaping body image.